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What Is Psychotherapy

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1What Is Psychotherapy Empty What Is Psychotherapy Thu Dec 30, 2021 7:51 pm



What is psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is often referred to as talk therapy. It’s an intervention or treatment for various mental health conditions and everyday challenges and concerns.

Psychotherapy can involve different methods and strategies, and it’s usually tailored to your needs, too.

Psychotherapy sessions can last between 40 and 120 minutes and repeat from a few times a week to once a month.

According to Stephanie Rojas, LMHC, “therapy is a protected space to work toward improving your mental health.”

You can go to therapy on your own, with your partner, or with your whole family.

In some instances, group therapy can also be effective. This means you go to therapy with other people who you don’t know but who share a common goal or diagnosis.

What happens in the first session of psychotherapy?
Rojas explains that during your first few sessions of individual therapy, a therapist may ask a series of personal questions.

“This is to understand you best, and that’s what therapy is – a personal journey that requires time, strength, and patience,” she explains.

You may also have questions for your therapist during these first few sessions.

In general, it’s important to pay attention to how each session feels at first, says Rojas. “Notice if you’re feeling welcomed, accepted, validated, and understood. A therapist should work toward making you feel seen and heard.”

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