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Bat-winged dinosaurs were clumsy fliers

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1Bat-winged dinosaurs were clumsy fliers Empty Bat-winged dinosaurs were clumsy fliers Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:01 pm



Yi and Ambopteryx were a dead end on the evolutionary road to bird flight

Only two dinosaur species are known to have had wings made out of stretched skin, like bats. But unlike bats, these dinos were capable of only limited gliding between trees, a new anatomical analysis suggests. That bat-winged gliding turned out to be a dead end along the path to the evolution of flight, researchers say.
“They are a failed experiment,” says Alexander Dececchi, a paleontologist at Mount Marty University in Sioux Falls, S.D.
Yi Qi and Ambopteryx longibrachium were crow-sized dinosaurs that lived about 160 million years ago (SN: 4/29/15). They were distant cousins, both belonging to a bizarre group of dinosaurs known as scansoriopterygids. Unlike other scansoriopterygids, however, these two species sported large wings with membranes, thin skin stretched between elongated arm bones.

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